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Oxford USA


As a web designer and WordPress developer for Oxford USA, a Florida-based company offering a wide range of services, including immigration, real estate, internationalization, investments, tax planning, and institutional relationship services, I was tasked with redesigning their existing website to better organize and showcase their services.

The main challenge was to create a user-friendly design that would make it easy for visitors to navigate the site and find the information they needed, while also accommodating three different languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

To address this challenge, I worked closely with the Oxford USA team to gain a deep understanding of their services and their target audience. I then developed a new website design that was modern, visually engaging, and easy to navigate, with clear calls to action that encouraged visitors to explore the site and learn more about the company’s services.

To accommodate the three different languages, I used WordPress’s built-in multilingual capabilities, allowing visitors to easily switch between languages as needed. This ensured that the site was accessible to a wider audience and helped to position Oxford USA as a global player in the market.

Throughout the development process, I prioritized user experience, making sure that the site was optimized for mobile devices and provided a clear path for visitors to learn more about the company’s services and contact them for more information. I also incorporated search engine optimization (SEO) best practices, making it easier for potential customers to find Oxford USA online.

The resulting website was a significant improvement over the previous version, providing a more modern and user-friendly design that effectively showcased Oxford USA’s services and expertise. The site has since become a valuable tool for the company, helping them to attract new customers and grow their business.



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April 3, 2023